Monday, April 8, 2013

My Garden is growing!

So for the third year (not in a row, I didn't bother last year with a crawling colicky infant) I am planting a garden!  I'm super excited because this year we are going to tear out some old and ugly bushes in our backyard and build a raised garden.  Now if only the snow would GTFO we could get on working on it!

In the meantime, I've decided to plant and grow inside so my plants are ready to transplant and (hopefully) flourish once the weather and temperature is good enough to move them outside.

My peas are outta control!  These things are growing like weeds.  I had to make a make-shift cage for them because they have grown so well they are toppling over themselves.  I used wooden skewer sticks to prop them up.  Here are my moster peas all tangled up:

My salad mix is also coming along wonderfully.  Here they are sprouting!:

Flying Shark!

So for DH's birthday I bought him one of those remote control helium sharks.  He loved it!  It was so much bigger than I thought it would be and a lot of fun, but Owen broke it shortly after it's take off!  Here's a photo of the beast in our living room:

Hilarious!  But Owen didn't like it at first and would run away crying from the thing

Blurry, but you get the gist :-)

Thursday, April 4, 2013

My Garden!

This will be year 3 (attempt #3) to grow a garden in which we actually use the food grown and consume it.  The last two years I got started WAY too late and nothing grew in time for us to eat anything.  The pumpkins never came up, they just sort of "meh'd" in the backyard and then withered with the first frost never to be seen again.

So I have a little indoor greenhouse going and it's actually working.  I'm surprised with how delighted I am that my plants are growing.  I'm giving them love every day and the results are amazing!  My peas are nearly 12" high already!  I don't know what I'm going to do with them as I'm not going to be able to plant them outside until at least the end of May (it's still possible to get snow where I live in June)